
Maverick Synfuels > Feedstock

Maverick Synfuels processes are feedstock flexible and can accept methane (natural gas, landfill gas, anaerobic digester gas), as well as biomass, municipal solid waste (MSW) and industrial waste. All of these feedstocks can be converted to syngas, a mixture of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2) using steam reformers or gasifiers.

Maverick converts methane-rich gas streams to a hydrogen-rich syngas using lower cost proprietary reformer designs with improved thermal efficiency. The high-hydrogen concentration favors conversion to methanol, and the inexpensive reformers allow us to provide relatively small modular units (1-5 MGPY) as “spokes” in our “Spoke and Hub” model.

Biomass and municipal solid waste provide relatively low hydrogen concentrations, which favor olefin production. Producing olefins directly, rather than through a methanol intermediate, removes a step from our overall process. However, gasifiers that work with biomass and/or municipal solid waste are slightly more expensive at small scale. This tends to favor using slightly larger (10-20 MGPY) sized “spokes” for our hub-and-spoke model when we use these feedstocks.

Because Maverick ultimately plans to convert olefins to final products at a central hub, and because methanol can also be converted to olefins at this hub, we can transport both methanol and olefins from our “spokes” to our hub, and convert them to final products.


  • Timber waste
  • Crop waste
  • Purpose-grown feedstock

Solid Waste

  • Municipal solid waste (MSW)
  • Industrial waste

Methane-Rich Gas Streams

  • Flare gas
  • Natural gas
  • Biogas

Learn More About Maverick’s Flexible Feedstock